
Archive for August, 2022

Drink plenty of water 💧

Eat healthy home cooked meals with your family or a friend. 🫐🥦🥑🧀🍖🌮

Take care of yourself mentally and emotionally. Meditate on the wonderful creation around you. Occasionally do something you enjoy. Take a walk, spend a little time to help someone in need of encouragement, bake, garden, and so on.

If possible get massage therapy at least once a month… Massage can be thought of as an indulgence, something you might do once a year for a special occasion. However massage therapy can be an important part of your efforts for wellness and wellbeing. Massage is preventive care that bolsters your immune system, helps the body and mind cope with chronic pain and stress. It can be a very important part of healing after an injury. Healthy touch is something we all need.

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